We wished to revive the idea of having your personal mark

Behind ExlibrisGallery there are our team of two - Jūratė (who by proffesion is graphic designer) and Neringa (who is historian of culture).

‘Ex libris’ in latin means ‘literally out of the books or library (of someone)’ and traditionally was used as a bookplate, a mark of ownership on books, documents, etc. The tradition to have a personal stamp was a privilege of important families and their members which eventually has faded away. As Jūratė had an idea to create a modern exlibris stamps for a real book lovers and Neringa was interested in the history of ex libris in Europe, together we started a revival of a modern bookplate stamps. After working several months we have presented our little collection which is now also available on Etsy.

GRAPHIC. Every design starts from drawing it by hand with a black ink. The sketch is scanned to have a digital version which is later adjusted until perfection also adding a text for personalization.

RUBBER OF A STAMP. Imprint of a high quality stamp should include the smallest details of graphic design. To make sure that the imprint of our stamps is high resolution and as sharp as possible, we use a professional rubber to produce them.

WOODEN HANDLE. A wooden handle of our stamps are studied to be perfect and is made by a local wood artist. Handle has been changed several times until we found the shape which lets to use stamp easily on any surface.

PACKAGING. Each stamp is a unique one, so it is packed in a special gift box with an authorial passport.

Our clients become those who have lots of books in their home library, are obsessed with writing real letters, owners of crafted product brand, authors and artists, cooking cakes and producing chocolate, wants to make a special gift for their beloved ones.

We hope that in our collection you would find a unique stamp for yourself or as a personalized gift!

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